Confirm your email and win 250k shards


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These days, the use of email activation is no longer useful for spammers and their annoying bots. So the only use left for it is to ensure your email account is real and active.

Here at GF, to make the registration process quick and easy we do not have email activation on. But to ensure your using a real email address to receive all importance email notices from you, I'm offering 250k shards, (which is this forum's money which can be used to buy things to make things more cool around here or buy PSN/Wii/Live points.) for you to post in this topic saying you like to receive a email from GF's email address and then reply to it. This offer is for those who have registered during this year (2012) and beyond.

So post below and I'll send you a email from our GF gmail.

I would like to receive a email from GF's email address. I don't mind giving my email verification to the admin and I truly appreciate what they are doing for us by giving us such a good platform to discuss things. So kudos to you guys at GF :thumbsup:
I would appreciate those shards now, please do send me some now along with that email so I could confirm my email now for that.
Hello Demon_Skeith :)
I would be very happy to have my e-mail address to be confirmed by GF and receive those wonderful amount of shards :grin: