Xbox SX How soon will you get Xbox Series X?


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Microsoft always puts out impressive Xbox hardware, sadly never enough software to back it up. How soon do you feel you will get the next Xbox? Launch day? Later? When they obviously announce a new model?
I probably get one when it drop in price, or if there is a game I really want to play.
I would have loved to have jumped on the Xbox Series X if I am honest by now but with the cost of living and everything else over the last four years nearly, I have not been able to jump on it and buy the next-gen console for myself which is a shame.

I managed to get my 3 sons an Xbox Series S each back in 2021 for Christmas and they were super happy about that and love their consoles.
I most likely won't get it. Playstation has a few games I'd play, but to be honest I would wait until both consoles go retro, if they can take physical media.
I have a Xbox Series S so I have no need for the X.
I bought an Xbox Series X about a year after they came out. Having said that, I had to sell it because my gaming got out of control. And I am not going to buy another one, I am going to buy the PS5 Pro when it comes out as long I can control myself between now and then. I don't want to start gaming 70+ hours a week again.