PS4 Ghost Of Tsushima


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Soon, very soon, beware of the ninja ghost man! Lol
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Pre-load complete. Now waiting for it to be playable on the 17th...
One of the Dev's inspirations for the game, The 13 Assassins, saw a nice swordfight clip from the movie:
Read more stuff, niice!

Just as the way the world unfolds depends on what you want to do, so does the story – to a point. As you wage your one-man war on the Mongols you ally with several characters, and how you decide to deal with situations can determine the strength of your bonds.

Shimura’s none too impressed with your spectral approach. Makoto, an expert archer and just as handy with a sword, can be one of your best allies, helping to spread the legend that you’re a vengeful ghost, but if she disagrees with your actions you may end up crossing swords.

Some new details on the Ghost of Tsushima mechanics have also been confirmed. It has been confirmed that time will pass as players explore, and the game will keep track of how much time has passed since the invasion began.

Again nodding to realism, you explore the island’s lush environments without the help of waypoints, choosing where to explore next using landmarks and your knowledge of the world. Sucker Punch is no stranger to creating open worlds, but the fairly minimalist nature of the environments is a bit of a departure for the developer. Time in the story will pass as you explore, with titles telling you how much time it’s been since the invasion began.

Ghost of Tsushima also promises to be extremely varied thanks to different tools and gadgets, such as sticky bombs and fire arrows.

Quick iaijutsu strikes with your sheathed sword can spill enemy blood. Likewise, you can use a grappling hook to sneak through enemy camps unseen, dropping down to attack people or sneaking up on them from behind (even stabbing them through closed folding screens). Jin also has his gadgets: sticky bombs and fire arrows that can help him spread disarray through an enemy camp.
It has also been hinted that Jin's skills will develop so much during the course of the game that it will be possible to "devastate" an entire enemy camp.
Not much longer to the release.

Indeed ! I am hyped! it's already sitting on my hard drive but cannot be played yet lol and the bond points thing sounds promising with the story changes stuff.
Read that there will be Sly Cooper easter eggs in the game. lol nice!

And saw another trailer:
Read the first review of the game, 9.5 nice, some review snippets:

The villain of the game may be a bit generic with his dialogue, but his dubbing is excellent and he exudes a lot of intelligence and power compared to the barbaric Mongolian we were used to seeing from so many movies. The main focus of the story, and the most interesting part of it is Jin and his relationship with the rest of the characters. The story is very historically accurate and it goes into the meaning and weight of The Samurai Way, the first game I felt did right, in an interesting and emotional way.

The game is an open world game that includes main missions, where you help your friends to gain allies, and side missions, where you help individuals during the occupation like a women's village exploited by a farmer in disguise as a samurai or a man whose daughter was abducted on one of the Mongols' ships. The map also includes special missions that center on a legend from Tsushima Island that lead to tough boss battles that gain you new ability.

Unlike many games, I felt that the main and side missions were much more interesting and promoted the main story - stopping the Mongols who invaded your island, unlike other games where the side missions felt disconnected from the world.

An amazing game in terms of gameplay, visuals and story with a busy and lively world, which is the biggest attraction of the game, each mission and place feel important and interesting. The Ghost of Tsushima is the ultimate samurai game.
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Wish I had more time to play this game.
Guess it's going on wishlist and going to play it on a later day.
Reviews are in lots of 90 /100 and a couple 100/100, Niiiice!

"Ghost of Tsushima is a game I could not put down because the combat is so good, the world is fun to explore, and the stories it has to tell are rich and compelling. And I’m already anxiously awaiting a sequel."

" It's the way Ghost of Tsushima combines elements players are both familiar and unfamiliar with that makes it such an enjoyable experience, and one which players will want to continue playing long after the credits roll. "

" While many of the elements here made their debuts in other games in the genre, Sucker Punch does an amazing job of weaving them together in a way that not only creates a satisfying gameplay experience but also enhances an already stellar narrative. I cannot think of a better way for Sony to send-off the generation. "

" Ghost of Tsushima is a riveting tale complemented by infinitely fascinating combat, inventive navigation mechanics, and arresting visuals, effortlessly earning itself a spot as one of the absolute best games released on the PlayStation 4. "
Read more stuff:

One level above that e Tales are multi-part, character-specific sidequests that basically span the entire campaign and serve to give each major character their own story arc. This includes Sensei Ishikawa, the renowned samurai archer searching for his missing student; Masako, a grief-stricken mother out for revenge on those who murdered her family; or Yuna, the thief who saved your life at the very beginning of the story and will do whatever it takes to save her brother from the Mongols. Each of these sidestories reflects an aspect of Jin’s own journey, and it’s very interesting to see both how they develop and the impact they have on his development. Some of the later ones that I’m not allowed to talk about due to embargo restrictions are especially touching and deal with some pretty heavy subject matter, with one in particular that makes exceptional use of Ghost of Tsushima’s scouting mechanic in a very clever and emotional way.
Watched sam reviews last night, really dunno why am I torturing myself.
Guess it's gonna be the next game to play as soon as I finish the game I'm currently playing on PS4.
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Read from kotaku, Japanese critics like the game:

Ghost of Tsushima’s protagonist Jin Sakai isn’t the typical samurai of foreign creation, but rather, a real Japanese 侍 (samurai), with the site using both the English “samurai” and the word’s kanji to highlight this distinction.

Dengeki Online wrote, “In this world, there aren’t any weird [Japanese language] signs or anyone using dodgy Japanese.” Not only did Dengeki praise the game for its understanding of the period (as well as historical Japanese movies), it also lauded the game for how it brought the landscape and scenery to life.

“Japanese historical dramas have been thoroughly studied and brought to life in a world that is very close to how we picture his period of Japan in our minds,” the site adds. Dengeki also praised the game’s story and action.

According to Engadget Japan, Ghost of Tsushima didn’t really have the type of odd or uncomfortable scenes or storylines that Japanese people often experience in American-made movies. The story, the site adds, shows respect for the period, adding that the game itself was enjoyable and moving.

The one nitpick Famitsu had was regarding the speed at which characters speak. For Famitsu, the dialogue’s tempo is much faster than it should be for the time, and there isn’t the same importance on pauses in conversation that are typical of period pieces. That pause and that silence are key; in Japan, what isn’t said is just as important as what is. Moreover, some of the lines are ironic or sarcastic, which the reviewer felt had more of a foreign sensibility.

Famitsu, however, went on to praise the way the game looks and plays (it thought Kurosawa Mode was especially cool), the story and characters, and called it a great masterpiece. It highly recommended the game to those who like sword-fighting action and historical dramas.
Read the trophy list, game got 12 hidden story trophies. Interesting.

Hidden Story Trophy 1

Automatic Story Trophy (hidden for spoilers).

Hidden Story Trophy 2

Automatic Story Trophy (hidden for spoilers).

Hidden Story Trophy 3

Automatic Story Trophy (hidden for spoilers).

Hidden Story Trophy 4

Automatic Story Trophy (hidden for spoilers).

Hidden Story Trophy 5

Automatic Story Trophy (hidden for spoilers).

Hidden Story Trophy 6

Automatic Story Trophy (hidden for spoilers).

Hidden Story Trophy 7

Automatic Story Trophy (hidden for spoilers).

Hidden Story Trophy 8

Automatic Story Trophy (hidden for spoilers).

Hidden Story Trophy 9

Automatic Story Trophy (hidden for spoilers).

Hidden Story Trophy 10

Automatic Story Trophy (hidden for spoilers).

Hidden Story Trophy 11

Automatic Story Trophy (hidden for spoilers).

Hidden Story Trophy 12

Automatic Story Trophy (hidden for spoilers).

The Warrior Monk

Complete all of Norio’s Tales.

The Vengeful Warrior

Complete all of Masako’s Tales.

The Unbending Archer

Complete all of Ishikawa’s Tales.

The Headstrong Thief

Complete all of Yuna’s Tales.

Teller of Tales

Complete all of the Mythic Tales.

Helping Sword Hand

Complete all Tales of Tsushima.
cm2 cm2 You're not helping :p
Guess I'll have to go full throttle on the game I'm playing and get into Ghost of Tsushima while the hype is going strong.
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