New profile posts

I should have the prologue to The Last Ranger released by Friday! If I don't please start tagging me in order to get my lazy butt to work.
I need to do a day where I just do a 24 hour binge of video games and complete what I need to complete.
I also want it, alas the wrists will not allow it :(
I miss the Wii's user interface. It was so clean.

The Switch is just "white theme" "black theme"

Been playing the newish classic Tomb Raider trilogy remaasters. I'm having a good time with them. I can't believe I skipped these for so long back in the day.
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too bad no bouncing Boob physics on remastered Lara though lol
There were many games back in the day we did not know to play but should have been...
Artisan Vistra
Artisan Vistra
I second that @D_S!
just noticed that I'm the member of the month! thank you!
I'll do my best to keep being active here!
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Leaving on Thursday for possibly a week to Michigan, and may not be online as much as usual! Demon_Skieth, Lyn put you in charge of Nintendo 3DS Central while we're on the road!