GL Update 8/8 - 16th Birthday!


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It's a new month! Happy 16 years Gaming Latest! And new updates on the GL forums.

Welcome everyone to the eighth forum update of the year! We did it once more! The forum is another year old, activity is still strong, (the plot is stronger) and we keep on trucking along! Got a few sweet updates so let us get the usual out of the way as always...

---- Of the Month ----

Goes to Heatman Heatman for their many great posts on the forum! Thank you!

Topic of the month goes to: Do you keep track of your passwords?

---- Thank you for 16 long years! ----

As always, I like to personally thank each and every member and guest that visit this site every day, all the staff that take their time to help out and advance GL little by little. Since I took over Gamingforce 16 years ago and made it into my own place, I never thought this site still be going! I'm proud to be partnered with Tiger21820 Tiger21820's site, I'm happy for all of Revolved101 Revolved101 suggestions, pleased with Altair Altair social site help and all the moderators that keep the site clean and active!

After the rough year I personally had, days and events like this make me happy to still get up in the morning. So now let us being the march to the 17th birthday with a few new upcoming additions...

---- Arcade ----

YES! You read that title right, I have a fully working HTML5 arcade in the works for the forum's personal use! Sadly, I didn't get it up in time to fully reveal, but I should be able to open the gates to it by end of the month! Please look forward to the annoucment :)

---- New Theme ----

Everything looks different with age and GL is no different, so I have added a dark and light red theme to the forum! Please go to the theme switcher and change it to Gaming Latest Gray Red Dark or Gaming Latest White Red Light! I'm still doing some tweaks to the theme, so let me know of any issues!

With the theme comes with a new banner for those themes and new logos for our forum and weekly gaming updates, many kudos to Meetdilip for making them :)

---- July Awards ----

Has been given out to the top posters! Congrats as always!

---- Shop updates ----

I'm going to revamp the shop a bit later this month, be sure to spend your points now before changes come!

---- New Smilies ----

As a reminder, we have added new smilies to the site! Check out the annoucment here: New Smilies!

And that is it! Thanks for another great month and let everyone know that Gaming Latest is the place for the latest gaming news for nearly 16 years!

---- Stats ----

We currently have 512,527 posts and 4,172 members. In this last month we made over 3,147 posts!
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Congrats MOTM Heatman.
Happy freakin' birthday GL! Don't forget, August 10th is my birthday, and August 14th is Nintendo (3)DS Central's Birthday! August is always a fun-filled month! What's important today is that TODAY IS GAMING LATEST'S 16TH BIRTHDAY!! Oh yeah, Mr. Heatman Heatman , congratulations for being the best member of the month! Just don't let it get to your head, kay? Of course. if Master Demon_Skeith Demon_Skeith allows it, then who am I to stop you? I really wish there was a phpBB html5 arcade extension, but there doesn't seem to be one... Oh well! Guess we'll just have to settle for Knuffel and Hangman x2!
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Congrats everyone, this has been a great year here! 17th year here we come!
A massive happy birthday to the forum!

Loving the new theme! Gray Red Dark looks very nice. And congrats to Heatman Heatman for his MOTM win :)

For the shop update, should we spend it now because it's going to be reset or are some of the shop items just disappearing?
A massive happy birthday to the forum!

Loving the new theme! Gray Red Dark looks very nice. And congrats to Heatman Heatman for his MOTM win :)

For the shop update, should we spend it now because it's going to be reset or are some of the shop items just disappearing?

To be determined on the shop stuff.

And thanks to everyone who popped by yesterday! Appreciate it :)
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And next year will be Gaming Latest's Sweet PLOT 17th Birthday, Niiice!