Recent content by Viorel2

  1. V

    Favorite Esport

    Are you guys fans of Esports in general? Which one do you prefer? I like to watch some CS:GO from time to time :D.
  2. V

    Best camera App for your phone

    What's your favorite camera app? I have an android phone, so I like camera-fv5. Manual camera also looks cool but my phone doesn't support the new api (camera2), so I haven't been able to use it yet.
  3. V

    Where do you find the best deals for games?

    Of course, steam has a lot of discounts and sales, but sites like greenmangaming, humblestore, gog, g4a, etc also have pretty good deals from time to time. But where do you guys find the best deals for games? 
  4. V

    Best android game to play while travelling

    Wow. I've got quite a lot of games to play now :D. Thanks guys. If you have more suggestions, keep 'em coming. Two hours of commuting a day means a lot of time to play :D.
  5. V

    Batman: Arkham Knight for PC sales suspended until fall They say here that: "The release date for the Linux, Mac and SteamOS versions are still listed as "fall 2015." I think maybe that's what he refers to. 
  6. V

    Best Modern PC Game?

    Modern as in.. from what year onward :D? Personally, I would still choose Half-life 2. I played it right after release and it was amazing at that time. The story was great, gameplay was good, the graphics were really nice, the soundtrack was very well suited for the environment. Great game for...
  7. V

    Looking for a space combat simulator

    Elite dangerous looks pretty good. I haven't played it but it looks pretty complex and fun. Here's a review of it: Maybe you'll like it.
  8. V

    PC vs Mobile - What would you choose between the two?

    I'm gonna assume that this Island has electricity and internet and everything I would need. Cause if I had to fight for my life and hunt, etc, I don't know what help either of those would be :D. But considering those things, I would choose my PC, of course. Plenty more things to do on PC. I...
  9. V

    Batman Arkham Knight Review

    Too bad for the horrible port on PC. The game looks really fun and I would love to play it... If I had a console :D. Maybe we'll get it on PC (I mean get it for real) at some point..
  10. V

    Why did you choose a PC over a console?

    I chose a PC mainly because I wanted to do other things besides gaming on the device. Another big factor in my decision was the fact that I was pretty much used to playing FPS games with a mouse and keyboard. I've played some Call of Duty with a controller and I couldn't really get into it. I...
  11. V

    Mini-PCs, are they the new hot thing?

    It does seem to overheat and thermal throttle pretty hard. At least this is what they say in this review: That GTX 760 won't perform as a 760 because of the thermal throttling.
  12. V

    Best Games to Play with Friends on Phone?

    I would suggest Heartstone, but it's not for everybody. Here's some gameplay so you can check it out and see if you like it: It's really good if you're into this sort of games.
  13. V

    Batman Arkham Knight PC Sales Suspended

    Honestly, I was half expecting it to be this bad. When Arkham Origins came out that was pretty buggy too. I'm gonna wait until the patches come and then I will buy it, probably wait for a sale too. I think it's a good thing that people can get refunds on Steam now, maybe Rocksteady and other...
  14. V

    Favorite Internet Games

    I used to play a lot of CS:GO a while back. Now I don't play it anymore but I think I'll get to that one of these days. Favorite game!... Although I'm not that good :(.
  15. V

    Is it okay to use a Gaming style smartphone with controller as a Business/work, or School cell phone

    As Demon_skeith said, it does look like a playstation handheld, so people might mistake it for that :D. Although if you explain it and not use it to play games in front of them, I don't really see why a reasonable person would have a problem with that. 